After many years of teaching and counseling on Marriage and Family Life, the Lord laid in our hearts to start a School of Marriage for those that need deeper knowledge on the Mystery of Marriage and how to reach out to other couples.
The course is suited for both Singles and Married, Ministers and Laymen who wants to be experts in the field of marriage and family matters.
This school will provide opportunity for dialogue, counseling and prayers that will cause cross-fertilization of godly pattern in the individual lives of our students that will impact their marriages and be transfer to the next generation.
An important thing we are to learn in this institute is not just what we live through, but what we “learn through” in union with:
- God, the Love Maker,
- Jesus, the Marriage Maker,
- Holy Spirit, the Marriage Comforter.
We are to grab onto the wisdom we gain, apply it, and then pass onto others.
The session promises to be exciting as our aim is to fully empower you with God’s Word on Marriage and the Family Life. I encourage you to be prayerful and studious throughout the session, as the Spirit of God has so much in store for you.
God bless you!
Rev. Jabari & Sally McDimar
President, IMI Kenya